Installing Dell OMSA on VMware ESXi

Installing Dell OMSA on VMware ESXi

2016, Oct 07    

Installing OpenManage Server Administrator VIB (OMSA) on VMware ESXi.

Download the OMSA 8.3 package

Navigate to Dell OpenManageServer Administrator vSphere Installation Bundle (VIB) for ESXi 6.0, v8.3 to retrieve the OMSA package.

Prepare the ESXi server for temporary SSH traffic

Setup your ESXi server for SSH connections by starting the TSM-SSH service from the services list.

Host -> Manage -> Services -> TSM-SSH -> right-click and Start

Installing the OMSA 8.3 package

Now use (Win)SCP copy the downloaded file to /tmp of your ESXi server.

Log into to the ESXi server using SSH to execute:

esxcli software vib install -d=/tmp/

Installation Result
Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
Reboot Required: true
VIBs Installed: Dell_bootbank_OpenManage_8.3.0.ESXi600-0000
VIBs Removed:
VIBs Skipped:


Log into to the ESXi server using SSH to execute:

esxcli software vib list | grep -i dell

Name Version Vendor Acceptance Level Install Date
—————————– ———————————— —— —————- ————
OpenManage 8.3.0.ESXi600-0000 Dell PartnerSupported 2016-10-07
